Night of the Dreamwatchers – Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travel retreat

podlaskie | Drohiczyn
Rozpoczęcie: 07.06.2024 godz.: 11:00
Zakończenie: 09.06.2024 godz.: 15:00
1936 PLN
Szczegóły cenowe
🌱Inwestycja: 3 dni i 2 noce – 2150 PLN 🦜Wczesna Rezerwacja do 30.04.24 – 1960 PLN 🐋Depozyt – 500 PLN 🦋 Cena zawiera nocleg i wyżywienie
Data wygaśnięcia: 21.06.2024

Śpiący rycerze czas się obudzić!

Eneko the founder of the Zardezan Academy of Dreams is an Astral Traveler! He envisioned this ceremony in one of his dreams where he observed people gathered in sacred spaces aligning their intention and attention. He complements his vision with wisdom from ancient South American cultures thanks to his strong connection to them. Eneko is the DreamWatcher and guardian of Dreams who stays awake all night, playing music, sounds, generating vibrations, aromas and much more, keeping the space open for all of us to consciously access the dreams realm, the astral world or how we call it: the quantum reality. 🎶🪐🧘‍♀️

In this Dreams Academy, we focus on all aspects of sleep. However, our main goal is to remind people that we all can have out-of-body experiencies or Astral Travels. That we do it every night while we sleep and that with the Zardezan Method every person can do it in a period of time from 3 days to 3 months. This is our goal, to teach dreamers to consciously access the world of dreams, because from there we can transform our lives and realities.

We want people to experience for themselves the adventure of being creators of their reality, and observe how these changes made with the power of human intention are intrinsically related to our waking life. Awakening in us a unique understanding of the self, and everything that surround us.

Dreams are the direct connection to spirit, and with our unconsciouss worlds, individual, collective and Universal. For us Dreams are the door to the Akashic Record of life. 🐉

Eneko has a deep connection with the indigenous communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Together they work to expand consciousness from the Oneiric world. This is the way the guardians of the jungle have been in connection with Nature, with themselves and with existence since the beginning of time. It is time for us to return to our inner power. It is time to awaken our inner self, to remember that we can have experiences that sacred power plants show us, and altered states of consciousness, this all borns within us. That all this and much more can be found in the portal of our Dreams.

It is time to wake up!
The Night of the Dreamwatchers is a powerful ceremony where the energy field of the group support each of the participant to have Out of body experiences.
Dreams will become an invaluable tool for self transformation that you can use for the rest of your life!

Śpiący rycerze czas się obudzić!,295

Link to the FB event:

In 2013, Eneko Ruiz de Loizaga transformed his personal vision into a tangible reality, giving life to the Zardezan Academy of Dream, that teaches an unique method that
combines modern science with ancient techniques, opening a path to mastery in rest, dream interpretation, lucid dreaming, astral travel and exploration of the unconscious.
With more than 5,000 trained students and a vibrant community of 70,000 dreamers.
At Zardezan we have witnessed countless stories of personal transformation and spiritual awakening, thanks to our unique and effective methodologies.
Eneko Ruiz de Loizaga, a multifaceted and visionary character, is known both for his leadership in the business world and for his deep immersion in spiritual and personal development. As founder of the Zardezan Academy and creator of the Dreammy APP, he has successfully merged his two passions: spirituality and entrepreneurship. His most ambitious project to date is the partnership with indigenous leaders of the Waorani community in the “Ewao Project”, aimed at protecting more than 800 thousand hectares of the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. This project not only aims to absorb more than two million tons of CO2 per year, but also prevent the deforestation of more than 7,500 hectares annually through the creation of carbon certificates. EWA collaborates closely with a diversity of indigenous communities around the world, participating in a wide range of multidisciplinary and culturally rich projects.

It stands out not only in the business and spiritual sphere, but also for its close relationship with various indigenous cultures. He has visited numerous communities, such as the Aymaras, Quechua, Quero, Kogui, Waorani and Suark, learning from their rich traditions and ancestral wisdom. These experiences have deepened his understanding of the spiritual world and its connection with nature, influences that he applies to his teachings and projects, bringing a unique and valuable perspective to his work.
Born in Quito Ecuador, ShamuAndina JexAin Jexain, is a mentor and representative of the Zardezan Academy od Dreams. In 2021 she joined the Zardezan Academy for the first time, where she understood in detail the wonderful world of Dreams that has accompanied her since she was a child, finding in Lucid Dreams and Astral Travel one of the most transformative tools for personal development and of consciousness. For the past six years, she has explored introspection through ancient medicine, seeking her way back to her true self. She has immersed herself in various meditative practices, magic and the study of star seeds, complementing her journey with intuitive rituals. Jex has organized retreats and workshops on ancestral medicine in Poland and Ecuador, including women’s circles to connect with cyclicity. She is a writer and the founder of ShamuAndina, a network of consciousness created on the seed of being oneself the medicine, to transmit the voice of the experience of transformation through Love.
Rozpoczęcie wydarzenia: 07.06.2024 godz.: 11:00
Zakończenie: 09.06.2024 godz.: 15:00
Cena: 1936 PLN
Szczegóły cenowe
🌱Inwestycja: 3 dni i 2 noce – 2150 PLN 🦜Wczesna Rezerwacja do 30.04.24 – 1960 PLN 🐋Depozyt – 500 PLN 🦋 Cena zawiera nocleg i wyżywienie

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Night of the Dreamwatchers – Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travel retreat

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